What’s a Banking Ombudsman Scheme?
The Banking Ombudsman Is a senior official appointed by the Reserve Bank of India to resolve customer complaints against deficiency in certain banking services.
According to date, 21 Banking Ombudsman have been appointed with Their offices located mostly in country capitals.
Banking Ombudsman scheme enables the people to file complaints to solve the banking difficulties.
Banking Ombudsman scheme, 2006 is released with the objective of enabling resolution of Complaints relating to certain services rendered by banks and also to facilitate the Satisfaction or settlement of such ailments.
To know more about Banking Ombudsman Scheme Click here

Types of Banking complaints
The Banking Ombudsman Can get and consider any criticism relating to the next lack in Banking services (such as internet banking)
1. Non-payment or surplus delay in the payment or collection of cheques, drafts, bills etc.
2. Non-acceptance, without Adequate cause, of small denomination notes tendered for any purpose, And for charging of commission in respect thereof
3. Non-refundable or delay in charge Of inward remittances
4. Failure to problem or delay in Issue of drafts, pay orders or bankers’ cheques
5. Non-adherence to prescribed Working hours
6. Providing a banking facility (other than loans and advances) promised in Writing by a financial institution or its direct marketing agents
7. Delays, non-credit of proceeds To parties account, non-payment of deposit or even non-observance of the Reserve Bank directives, if any, related to rate of interest residue in almost any savings, current or other account kept with a bank
8. Indians getting accounts in India in relation to their remittances from Abroad, residue and other bank-related things;
9. Refusal to start deposit Accounts without any valid reason for refusal
10. Levying of charges without Adequate prior notice to the client
11. Non-adherence from the lender or Its subsidiaries into the instructions of Reserve Bank on ATM/Debit card Surgeries or credit card operations
12. Non-disbursement or postpone Disbursement of retirement (to the extent the grievance can be credited to The action on the portion of the bank involved, but not in respect to its own Workers )
13. Refusal to take or postpone in Accepting payment towards taxation, as required by Reserve Bank/Government
14. Refusal to delay or issue in Issuing, or collapse to service or delay in servicing or salvation of Government securities
15. Forced closure of deposit Accounts without due notice or without adequate reason
16. Refusal to close or delay in Closing the accounts
17. Non-adherence to the fair Practices code adopted by the lender or non-adherence to the provisions Of the Code of Banks Commitments to Customers issued by Banking Codes along with Standards Board of India and as adopted by the bank
18. Non-observance of all Reserve Bank Guidelines on participation of recovery representatives by banks and
19. Some other thing relating to The violation of the directives issued by the Reserve Bank in relation to Banks or other services.
20. A customer can also pay off a Complaint on these grounds of deficiency in support with respect To advance and loans
21. Non-observance of Reserve Bank Directives on interest rates
22. Flaws in sanction, Disbursement or even non-observance of the prescribed time schedule for Entry of Loan software
23. Non-acceptance of application For loans without providing valid reasons to the applicant along with Non-adherence to the provisions Of those fair practices code for both lenders as adopted by the lender or Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers, as the case might be Non-observance of any other Direction or instruction of the Reserve Bank as may be given by the Reserve Bank for this purpose from time to time.
24. The Banking Ombudsman may also Handle such other matter as may be specified by the Reserve Bank from Time to time
The complete list of grounds for complaints can be seen here.
Where to submit a Banking complaints application
1. The criticism ought to be submitted to the concerned bank branch, from where you are managing your Account
2. Submit complaint application to concerned officer
3. Complaint software could be filed on plain paper or any prescribed kind supplied by the lender
4. After receiving the complaint application, worried bank officer problem an acknowledgement receipt to complainant
5. ATM problems linked to the complaint can be filed at a nearest concern bank branch or about the toll-free amount. Keep protecting the ATM slip as a future benchmark.

Process to submit complaint application to Bank
1. Complaint software could be Submitted to the bank in hard copy or internet
2. If You’re planning to submit Your complaint application in hard copy, then enclose these records with application form
- Xerox replica of Bank Passbook because An identity proof
- Any other documents/ reception
3. Require”Acknowledgment Receipt” From worried bank with a date
Online complaint registration with bank
1. Most of the public sector and private banks provide online complaint filing facility
2. Register your complaint online with bank
3. Some bank has not yet begun online complaint facility, even if your lender is one of the, then You Need to submit your application in hard copy
What to do after submitting/registering Banking Complaint to bank
1. Normally, the bank takes 2–3 weeks
2. If a lender is not able to resolve your problems or has not responded to your complaint within one month, Then send one reminder to the lender regarding your criticism. Nonetheless, the lender rejects to a complaint or unable to provide an appropriate response to your own complaint, then you may register a complaint against your bank with Banking Ombudsman.
3. Also, if You’re not satisfied With bank answer then it’s possible to put your case before Banking Ombudsman
4. Banking Ombudsman has 21 regional offices Throughout the Nation to accept a program from complainants
Filing a Banking Complaints at Banking Ombudsman
The banking Ombudsman is appointed by the RBI to solve customers’ complaints regarding accounting services and doesn’t charge a fee. Presently, there are 21 banking ombudsman centres in India.
You can file a Complaint on a plain paper to the ombudsman under whose authority the bank branch complained against is situated. For complaints concerning services with centralized operations, such as credit cards, complaints could be submitted before the banking ombudsman within whose territorial authority that your billing address is situated.
You can Also file the complaint online. You will have to submit particulars of the bank and the branch you have complained against as well as the category under which you are filing the complaint.
You will also have to talk about your title, phone number and speech while submitting the complaint. The amount of money required, if any, can even be mentioned in the criticism. You can also write an email to the ombudsman to their various email IDs to submit a complaint.
But remember, This isn’t a purely online redressal program. Depending upon the complexity of the scenario, you might be reached from the ombudsman office on the phone. You may also be required to present your case in person.
In cases which do not demand Complexities, the ombudsman can produce the award according to the written submissions in the complaint itself.
While creating a Particular complaint to the ombudsman, be ready with all the details, such as proof of your communicating from the bank regarding the same criticism.
The ombudsman has the power to award you upto Rs.20 Lakh. Additionally, the ombudsman can also award up to Rs.1 Lakh for mental agony and harassment.
Once your complaint has been lodged, the ombudsman first attempts a settlement between you and the lender. In 2017-18, 66 percent of the total complaints were mutually settled.
If the complaint Isn’t settled within a Month, the ombudsman subsequently allows the complainant and the lender to present their situation and produces an award.
The whining customer as well as The lender have a choice to appeal to the appellate authority under the ombudsman scheme. This has to be done within 30 days after the ombudsman has determined a particular case.
Additionally, the option to approach other Courts such as the consumer court also remains open.
Points to remember before approaching the Banking Ombudsman:-
1. The ombudsman will not consider your Complaint if you haven’t approached the lender first, or if you approach the ombudsman after over a year from the date on which the bank replied to you.
2. Moreover, if your complaint is pending without another court like a consumer Courtroom, then also, the banking ombudsman will not take your complaint into consideration.
- File a Banking Complaint In India - June 3, 2021